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contoh kalimat burst out

"burst out" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We saw them burst out of their graves for real!
    Kami melihat mereka keluar dari kuburan.
  • Whenever she bursts out, her limbs will tremble.
    Setiap kali ia meledak, tubuhnya akan gemetar.
  • My -- my heart is bursting out of my chest!
    Jantungku meledak keluar dari dada!
  • (Everyone bursts out in laughter again, and it's another blooper.)
    [Semua tertawa lagi, salah lagi.]
  • (They burst out laughing.)
    Itu karena... - Ada apa? - Hal itu tidak salah.
  • She burst out of the house, screaming.
    Dia meledak pecah keluar rumah, berteriak.
  • The way that thing burst out of her.
    Bagaimana benda itu keluar darinya.
  • Oh, I burst out laughing when they did it to me.
    Oh, aku tertawa terbahak-bahak saat mereka melakukannya padaku.
  • Thought he was gonna burst out crying right then and there.
    Kupikir tangisannya akan pecah saat itu di sana.
  • (Everyone bursts out in laughter, so it's a blooper.)
    [Semua tertawa, berarti salah.]
  • I mean, we saw him shoot vibrational bursts out of his hands.
    Maksudku, kami melihat dia menembak semburan getaran
  • Bursting out into the sunlight... now.
    Meledak menuju sinar matahari ... sekarang.
  • And then he just burst out laughing.
    Lalu ia hanya tertawa terbahak-bahak.
  • Like... there's all this new energy just bursting out of me.
    Seperti semua energi baru ini baru saja meledak dariku.
  • I'm about to burst out of my skin.
    Ayolah, aku sudah disedot.
  • The time gap after Rose so dramatically burst out of my office
    Tapi waktunya habis setelah Rose datang ke kantorku.
  • ' Cried Polly, bursting out afresh.
    ' tangis Polly, tangisnya meledak lagi.
  • Logan recuperates within Banner's stomach and bursts out, killing the Hulk.
    Logan pulih dalam perut Banner dan meledak, membunuh Hulk.
  • And they can burst out to attack with incredible speed.
    Dan mereka dapat meledak untuk menyerang dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa.
  • And when I fell inside, this, this mermaid burst out.
    Dan ketika aku jatuh di dalam, ini, putri duyung ini meledak.
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